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First Steps After A Semi-Truck Accident: Addressing Client Concerns And Building Trust

personal injury lawyer book and a gavel - Axion Law GroupIn this article, you can discover:

  • Why people try to avoid going to trial after a trucking accident.
  • How experienced attorneys can ease the stress of depositions.
  • Strategies for maintaining financial stability during the legal process.

What Common Concerns Do You Hear When You First Speak To Someone Who Has Been Injured In A Semi-Truck Involved Accident?

Many clients express a primary fear of going to trial. However, it’s important to understand that the likelihood of this happening is relatively low, with approximately 90% of cases settling before reaching that stage. Case preparation is crucial, and often settlements are reached at the brink of trial commencement. Another prevalent concern involves depositions.

While only sometimes necessary, depositions can be pivotal in securing a favorable settlement. Collaborating with an experienced attorney who guides clients through this process can significantly alleviate stress and complexity. A third significant worry is financial stability during the case, especially if the injured party is unable to work. This concern is addressed by exploring various options, such as government assistance or private funding, tailored to the individual’s circumstances.

What Is Your Approach To Building Trust With Clients?

My approach centers on fostering a deep understanding and rapport with clients. Practicing law transcends mere business; it’s about aiding clients in rebuilding their lives post-trauma. Establishing mutual understanding and trust is paramount. This foundational trust ensures cooperation during discovery and instills confidence in my decision-making and trial preparedness. My goal is to present the strongest possible case for you, aiming for the most favorable outcome – with your long-term best interests in mind.

What Information Do You Need To Get Started On A Trucking Accident Case?

Initiating a case primarily requires the client’s auto insurance details, the accident report number, witness accounts, and a list of medical providers they have consulted. Additionally, information about the trucking company or its insurance company, if available, is crucial for building the case.

For more information on Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer In Washington, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (253) 339-8500 today.

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