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Misconceptions About Personal Injury Claims

Misconceptions About Personal Injury Claims Lawyer, Tacoma, WAAddressing Common Misconceptions For Washington Personal Injury Claimants

Many individuals in Washington who suffer personal injuries carry certain misconceptions regarding their situation. In this chapter, we’ll cover the top four most common misconceptions that are heard at Axiom Law Group every day…
  1. One prevalent misunderstanding is the assumption that pursuing a personal injury claim always leads to court litigation. However, the truth is that most claims get resolved even before a lawsuit becomes necessary. This is due to the fact that:
    • Litigation is costly and risky for insurance companies.
    • Most insurance providers prefer settling cases that they are likely to lose in court to save on lawsuit defense costs.
2. Another misbelief is that you cannot afford a personal injury attorney. But at law firms like Axion Law Group , we handle injury cases on a contingency basis. In essence:
    • If we don’t recover any money for you, you don’t owe us any attorney fees.
    • You pay no fee up front, reducing any extra financial burden on you after an injury.
3. There is a common fallacy that you don’t need a lawyer because the insurance company will offer a fair settlement. However, remember that:
    • Insurance company settlement offers are made based on the available information, including whether you are represented by a prepared lawyer.
    • Without a skilled attorney, insurance companies may lowball you knowing you are unlikely to take the case to trial.
    • Many insurance companies will not offer fair settlement value until after a lawsuit is filed, making it crucial to hire an experienced trial attorney.
4. Lastly, some may believe that without serious injuries, filing an injury claim is not worth it. The truth is that:
    • Under the law, injury victims are entitled to compensation, regardless of the severity of their injuries.
    • Insurance companies often try to offer low settlements after minor incidents, making it essential to consult with an experienced lawyer before proceeding with a claim.

Understanding The Timeframe For Filing A Personal Injury Claim In Washington

In Washington, the statute of limitations for negligence-related injury claims is three years from the date of the injury. This means that if you don’t file the lawsuit within this three-year period, you might lose the right to sue the negligent party. However, please note:
  • There is a variance known as the discovery rule, which posits that the three-year period doesn’t start until you become aware of the injuries and should realize that you have a valid claim.
  • You should contact a lawyer immediately upon recognizing your injuries and potential for a case, to ensure that the necessary evidence is not lost or destroyed while you undergo medical treatment and recovery.
For more information on Misconceptions About Personal Injury Claims, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (253) 339-8500 today.

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