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Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) CoveragePersonal Injury Protection In Washington State

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) plays a significant role in auto wreck injury cases in Washington State. The coverage is designed to compensate for medical bills resulting from injuries sustained during an accident. Not only does it cater to your medical bills, but it also covers lost wages during recovery and out-of-pocket expenses such as:

  • Hiring help for house cleaning.
  • Paying for gardening services.
  • Other assistance you may require during your recovery period.

This is akin to no-fault coverage found in other states, implying that you are eligible for PIP irrespective of whether you are entirely or partially at fault for causing the collision. However, it is crucial for you to remember that any PIP amount received must be reimbursed from your personal injury settlement. That being said, a competent lawyer could potentially negotiate a reduction in the repayment amount, thereby augmenting your final settlement.

When PIP Coverage Falls Short

In the unfortunate event that your PIP coverage is insufficient to cover your medical bills, there are still alternatives for you. If you have private medical insurance, it can be used to fill the gap. For those without private medical insurance, it is possible to make arrangements with certain medical providers to defer payment of your bills until a settlement is received.

Immediate Medical Treatment In Personal Injury Cases

In personal injury cases, seeking medical treatment immediately following the incident is crucial. Insurance companies often leverage the delay of treatment to refute or reduce settlements. The longer the gap between the incident and the initial medical treatment, the more credible their argument becomes. They may contend that the injuries were not as severe as stated, or they were unrelated to the accident and caused by other incidents.

Choosing Medical Treatment Providers

You retain the right to select your own medical providers, and you are not obliged to follow the recommendations of the insurance company. However, if you have medical insurance with an HMO, you may have to consult with doctors within your network.

It’s vital to choose providers proficient at both treating patients and documenting injuries and treatments effectively for your claim. Some doctors may avoid involvement in litigation and might be hesitant to treat patients with pending injury claims. Therefore, consulting with an experienced attorney ensures that you connect with the right treatment providers who can advocate for your recovery and your injury claim.

Interaction With The At-Fault Party’s Insurance Company

The insurance company of the at-fault party is likely to contact you post-incident, aiming to secure a statement before you consult with a lawyer. Remember, it is not obligatory to provide them with a statement. In fact, it is recommended to speak to your attorney prior to giving any statements as these can be used against you during your settlement, your case, and potentially at trial.

The insurance company may also attempt to pressure you into agreeing to a settlement before you fully recover from your injuries. By doing so, you might deprive yourself of the opportunity to seek maximum compensation for your injuries, and the funds you might need in the future for medical treatment.

For more information on Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (253) 339-8500 today.

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